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❤️❤️ How to check whether the car Alternator is malfunctioning

25 Jul 2020
❤️❤️ How to check whether the car Alternator is malfunctioning
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❤️❤️ How to check whether the car Alternator is malfunctioning
1️⃣ When the engine is switched on, the battery indicator does not light up, which means that the alternator is not generating any electricity
✅ Check whether the ''D+'' connection of the charging terminal on the alternator is normal, and then ground the ''D+'' terminal. If the battery indicator is on, this indicates that the alternator is faulty. Replace the alternator; if the battery indicator is still not on, check the battery indicator line.
2️⃣ After starting the engine and idle after accelerating for a few seconds, the battery indicator still does not turn off
✅ Unplug the ''D+'' terminal harness, check whether the battery indicator lights up or not, and check whether the harness is grounded; if the battery indicator is off, plug in the harness again and check the alternator ''B+'' output voltage.
3️⃣ The charging voltage is too low
✅ When the alternator is running, use a multimeter to measure the voltage of the battery terminal, if the output voltage of the alternator is lower than 13V, it means that the alternator output voltage is excessive or does not generate electricity. The alternator needs to be repaired or replaced.
4️⃣ The charging voltage is too high
✅ When the alternator is running, use a multimeter to measure the voltage of the battery terminals, if the alternator output voltage is higher than 15V, it means that the alternator output voltage is too high. The alternator needs to be repaired or replaced.
❤️❤️  如何检查以确认汽车发电机属于异常现象:
1️⃣ 打开点火开关,充电指示灯不亮,发电机不发电时
✅ 检查发电机上充电接线柱“D+”接线是否正常,然后将“D+”端接地,若充电指示灯亮,则说明发电机存在故障,必须更换发电机;若充电指示灯不亮, 再进行检查充电指示灯的线路。
2️⃣ 启动发动机,加速后恢复却怠速,而充电指示灯不熄灭时
✅ 拔掉“D+”端线束,灯仍亮就检查线束是否搭铁;若充电指示灯灭,重新插上线束检查发电机“B+”的输出电压。
3️⃣ 充电电压过低时
✅ 发电机工作时,用万用表测量蓄电池两接线柱电压,若发电机输出电压低于13V,这说明了发电机输出电压过伐或不发电,可以考虑修理或更换发电机。
4️⃣ 充电电压过高时
✅ 发电机工作时,用万用表测量苗电池两接线往电压,若发电机输出电压高于15V,这说明了发电机输出电压过高,可以考虑修理或更换发电机。
❤️❤️  Bagaimana untuk memeriksa bahawa Alternator kereta tidak berfungsi?
1️⃣ Apabila enjin dihidupkan, penunjuk bateri tidak menyala, yang bermaksud bahawa motor alternator tidak menjana elektrik
✅ Memeriksakan sama ada sambungan ''D+'' terminal pengecasan pada motor alternator adalah normal, dan kemudian arahkan terminal ''D+''.  Sekiranya penunjuk bateri menyala, ini menunjukkan bahawa kerosakan pada motor alternator, dan perlu digantikan  dengan motor alternator baru, jikalau penunjuk bateri masih tidak menyala lagi, maka memeriksa garis penunjuk bateri.
2️⃣ Setelah menghidupkan enjin dan menganggur setelah memecut selama beberapa saat, penunjuk bateri masih tidak dipadamnya
✅ Cabut plag abah-abah terminal ''D+'', periksa sama ada penunjuk bateri menyala atau tidak, dan periksa sama ada harness dibumikan;  jika penunjuk bateri dimatikan, pasang semula abah-abah dan memeriksakan voltan keluaran ''B+'' motor alternator.
3️⃣ Voltan pengecasan terlalu rendah
✅ Semasa motor alternator sedang berjalan, gunakan multimeter untuk mengukur voltan terminal bateri, jika voltan output motor alternator lebih rendah daripada 13V, ini bermaksud voltan output motor alternator berlebihan atau tidak menjana elektrik.  Motor alternator perlu diperbaiki atau digantikan.
4️⃣ Voltan pengecasan terlalu tinggi
✅ Semasa alternator sedang berjalan, gunakan multimeter untuk mengukur voltan terminal bateri, jika voltan output motor alternator lebih tinggi daripada 15V, ini bermaksud voltan output motor alternator terlalu tinggi.  Motor alternator perlu diperbaiki atau digantikan.

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